Sunday, November 3, 2013

Homemaker Adventures: The Making of Laundry Soap!

My mom and I gave making homemade liquid laundry soap a whirl yesterday. And guess what, IT WAS EASY! And so much fun to do. I tell you, for something so simple, quick and easy to make, it left me with such a feeling of accomplishment! Something about making laundry detergent by hand for so little money instead of paying the corporate prices at the big box stores...... just awesome. We doubled the recipe in the link and we filled the pictured three containers. It cost me less than $10.00 for the ingredients and I have a bunch left over! I will let you know what I think of its cleaning abilities after I give it a couple of tries but let me reassure you that this has been tested and tried by friends of mine that love it. And there budgets love it too! 

Here is the cost breakdown. All items bought at my local Winco.
Box of Borax: $3.38
Box of Arm&Hammer Washing Soda: $3.17
Bar of Fels Naptha: $0.97
Total: $7.52 *

*In the recipe, she also adds that you can add in essential oils for scent. We added 10 drops of Lavendar Essential Oil that I purchased a while back from my friend, Karyn. It's not much but a little can go a long way and the Fels Naptha is already scented. Check out Karyn's site, Fit2B on Your Skin, to purchase essential oils and learn about their different properties and how they can boost your laundry detergent's cleaning abilities. 

Here is the link to the 
Laundry Soap
She includes a ton of great information about the products she uses, her cost breakout and answers a bunch of reader questions. 

Happy Soap Making Friends! 


  1. I'm so glad you decided to make it! Tried and true in our household for well over a year. I'll never go back. :)


  2. I've also been making it for myself, Mandy and other friends. I've been using it for several years and will never go back to commercial detergent either. However, we make the powder soap. It's much less messy!
    I made homemade fabric softener a couple of weeks ago for the first time and so far like it very well.

  3. I ran my first laundry load today using my handmade soap and...... Love It! It was a little strange not seeing suds but you can't argue results! Thank you again, Steph, for sharing this recipe with me!
